FM Group World - Polska, Rosja, USA, Kanada, Norwegia, Wielka Brytania, Niemcy, Czechy, Grecja, Hiszpania, Nigeria, £otwa, Litwa, RPA, Serbia, Rumunia, W³ochy, Ukraina, S³owenia, S³owacja i Australia

Who We Are And What We Do

FM GROUP is a very fast growing company in the perfume market. It has been created by young people, which is why we are able to respond to needs and wishes of our customers and distributors quickly. We offer you large range of fragrances of all types: fresh, flowery, oriental, woody, fruity and many more.


- products always available at the best possible prices;
- total customer and distributor satisfaction;
- always being able to satisfy our customer's requests.

We would like our distributors to also become pioneers of our company by developing their Multi Level Marketing structures. We invite you to co-operate and become involved in creating the power of our company.


Ladies and Gentlemen, we are delighted to offer you our products branded in the name of FM GROUP. The idea of creating exclusive cosmetic line was born during Artur's Trawinski (chief executive officer of the FM GROUP POLAND) annual stay in Australia. After he had returned to Poland he decided to realize his idea. Looking for perfect products he got many propositions for collaboration from many different companies, however, he decided to co-operate with the company he knew well run by his father. His company has been producing perfumes for 10 years. Fragrance for the perfumes is created by the one of the biggest companies in the world with the 100 years tradition which is growing up very fast and has its bases in Europe, Australia, United States, China and Brazil.

Artur Trawinski considered many options of distributing his cosmetic products. Then he met specialists of Multi Level Marketing. Their experience and their knowledge of the business made Mr Artur Trawinski start distributing his products in MLM sale system.

During the first year of starting in Poland (September 2004) we were asked to open branches in other countries because of the very high interest. Now we have our representatives in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, United Kingdom, Germany, Serbia and Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, USA, Israel, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ukraine, Lithuania and Nigeria.

We are ready to do everything to make you happy and pleased. We are not afraid of anything because we thing that impossible can become possible. Our products are made for people of every age. With so many fragrances there is something for everyone. We offer you high quality products and many alternative fragrances, perfect in every way. They invigorate your senses, even those that are very demanding.

We sincerely hope that you decide to co-operate with us and we will do our best to guarantee our professionalism, reference and high quality of our offered products.


ul. Zmigrodzka 247
51-129 Wroclaw
tel. +48 (71) 323 99 34

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FM GROUP Polska jest firm± z bran¿y FMCG, dzia³aj±c± w sektorze marketingu wielopoziomowego. Misj± FM GROUP jest dostarczenie wysokiej jako¶ci produktów w atrakcyjnej cenie bezpo¶rednio do domów Klientów, z pominiêciem tradycyjnej sieci sklepowej. Jej celem jest sta³e podnoszenie jako¶ci us³ug i nieustanny rozwój.
Firma zosta³a za³o¿ona w 2004 roku we Wroc³awiu przez Artura Trawiñskiego. Ju¿ trzy lata pó¼niej, w zwi±zku z dynamicznym rozwojem na rynkach zagranicznych, powsta³a spó³ka FM GROUP World.
Obecnie produkty FM GROUP s± znane i cenione w kilkudziesiêciu krajach na sze¶ciu kontynentach.
Na ca³ym ¶wiecie z FM GROUP wspó³pracuje oko³o 624 000 Partnerów Biznesowych, z czego ponad 270 000 dzia³a w Polsce. Firma stwarza idealne warunki dla rozwoju mikroprzedsiêbiorczo¶ci, poprzez profesjonalne wsparcie biznesowo-szkoleniowe.

Produkty FM GROUP ciesz± siê coraz wiêkszym uznaniem i popularno¶ci± na ¶wiecie. Ekspansja marki na rynki zagraniczne rozpoczê³a siê w 2007 roku, kiedy powsta³a spó³ka FM GROUP World. Obecnie artyku³y FM GROUP dostêpne s± ju¿ w kilkudziesiêciu krajach na sze¶ciu kontynentach. Firma wydaje katalogi w 26 jêzykach. Na ca³ym ¶wiecie z FM GROUP wspó³pracuje oko³o 624 000 Partnerów Biznesowych, z czego ponad 270 000 dzia³a w Polsce.